About our Lab

Your education continues here

Crusader Soft will bring the basics into your mind to make the best out of yourself.

With your new knowledge we keep expanding yourself to a whole new level.

After spending some time inside Crusader Laboratory we start to work together on greater projects.

Crusadersoft´s main target groups are people who are:


- working as IT-staff and want to expand their knowledge.

- new into coding and want to understand.

- studying and need some basics.

- humans.

We teach you the holy powershell.

Your first product will be designed for Windows.


We train you from basic input-calculation-output situations to building your own GUI for your code.

 This includes to understand what powershell is and how it is working with Microsoft products.

Further we explain how your code is working nicely with a cloud or any other technologies.

After learning with Crusadersoft you will understand technology and their behavior or errors better. 


This is what you get with us !


Note: Our courses will be only in english language. 

(we are able to translate to german)

To meet all timezones our courses are each Sunday at:

(CET 01:00 pm and 01:00 am)(UTC+1)



Any personal computer running Windows 10.

(We recommend installing english language on your device.)

Possibility to meet up in MS Teams.

(Teams should be installed on your private device)

Sign up now for our courses.